Siemens PLM software is used by over 71,000 customers worldwide with seven million licensed seats distributed among those customers. We encourage readers to learn more about NX 9 and the new Teamcenter software as well by visiting this detailed product description.

NX 9 is a dense upgrade from the previous version and there are many features and enhancements beyond those mentioned here. It also applies these assumptions locally instead of globally to ensure fast performance.” Further Info “It ‘understands’ the geometric relationships inherent in 2D drawings and applies user-controlled assumptions at the point of change to enable intelligent modifications. “Siemens’ synchronous technology for 2D is a Next Generation 2D tool that addresses many of the downfalls of drafting and sketching,” said Chad Jackson, principal analyst for Lifecycle Insights, a leading PLM research and advisory firm. The company says this is particularly valuable to industries like automotive, aerospace, machinery and others with large amounts of legacy 2D product data–essentially any industry which got started with 2D CAD a long time ago.

Synchronous technology for 2D eliminates these problems by adding intelligence to 2D data without the need for translation, enabling users to edit multi-CAD 2D files up to five times faster. Unfortunately, due to incompatible data structures and inconsistent CAD technology, working with these 2D files is typically tedious and time consuming.

While 3D modeling is the preferred method of product design throughout the world, 2D drawings and 2D product data – in a wide variety of digital formats – are still used in virtually every industry in some aspects of product development. And by leveraging our successful Active Workspace solution, we are enhancing the high definition user experience that helps our customers make smarter decisions that result in better products.” The Battle Between 3D and 2D: Resolved

“With significant new breakthroughs such as synchronous technology for 2D, 4GD and NX Realize Shape, we are offering our customers unprecedented design flexibility while significantly increasing their product development productivity. “NX 9 represents a very significant step forward for Siemens, our customers, and for product development in general,” said Jim Rusk, senior vice president, product engineering software, Siemens PLM Software. 02 – Siemens NX 9 also runs on OS X on any 64-bit OS X installation on compatible Apple Mac hardware.