Setup.cpp 1194: Could not find SSRHEADPHYSICS. Setup.cpp 1194: Could not find SSRHEADPHYSICS.HED Netcomm.cpp 7902: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=100" If you are looking for a great simulation and you have a few €'oos to spare get RACE07 through STEAM. I know the game is quite a few years old (RACE07) but it's racing, physics, sound and options is just mindblowing. The Mod is up and running and it's something spectacular. I couldn't have made a better investment at the moment! People say that withh a very good racing game, graphics are less important and it's true. I have the feeling to be inside a racecar. The whole sound when running through the gears, braking, going of track is something great. I play with a DS3 connected to my PC (running the Scarlet drivers) The immersion I get in this game is simply awesome. So with RACE07 and a few Add-ons loaded I am a very happy person. 5a) Ed now should do everything required to. 5) Now press Alt+A, click 'Add Cars' button or click Tools > Add Cars from Config File (s). 4b) Unlock the game for modding (Tools> Unlock Game Files For Modding) if you use mods for the first time or have any issues. Also the installation process through STEAM is great and it's the first time I really started to enjoy playing games on a pc. 4a) Press Ctrl+O or click Main > Open to select your game installation directory. I am still not going to buy a high end gaming pc but I found some older games that run perfectly fine on a simple machine with today's specs.

But since my experience with STEAM my opinion has changed a bit.

I have played for years and years on the consoles and I thought PCgaming wasn't something for me due to the high-end specs that where needed and all the hassle of installing games.